What We Do
To preserve and protect Rattlesnake Creek, RCWG focuses on water, wildlife, and weeds.
RCWG's first action was a tansy weed-pull in Bugbee Park. RCWG has also pulled buckthorn and other weeds and helped with revegetative planting—for example, on the west side of the Upper Rattlesnake horse bridge.
With collaborative partners, RCWG has installed ditch screens and signage throughout the drainage, monitored creek water, and educated the community about living safely with bears, mountain lions, and other wildlife. To help remove the temptation of apples from wild bears, and to promote appreciation for the watershed and our neighbors, RCWG has hosted a fall festival to celebrate our work and press cider together.
Currently, through our website, social media, and relationships with many partners, we are a clearinghouse for information and action that supports protection, preservation, and restoration of the watershed.
We envision a future where working groups of volunteers address a variety of watershed issues including education, clean-ups, weed pulls, bear-aware campaigns, and more.