Rattlesnake Creek Watershed Group
Our Mission
The mission of the Rattlesnake Creek Watershed Group is twofold:
To protect, preserve, and restore the Rattlesnake Creek watershed through community outreach, education, science, and stewardship
To promote and foster appreciation and respect for the unique qualities of the Rattlesnake Creek watershed for Rattlesnake residents and for the broader Missoula community
Where is the Rattlesnake Creek Watershed?
The Rattlesnake Creek Watershed is the area of land northeast of Missoula, Montana that drains all streams and precipitation to the mouth of Rattlesnake Creek at the Clark Fork River. It extends up from the mainstem of Rattlesnake Creek to the divides with adjacent watersheds. Our geographic focus includes the entire watershed, from ridgetops to the mouth of the creek.
November 2024
Check out our November Newsletter!
Trail Closures
The 2024 closure dates for Mount Jumbo in Missoula, Montana are as follows:
North Zone: Closed from December 1 to May 1 or later
South Zone: Closed from December 1 to March 15 or later
The closure dates may vary depending on weather conditions and wildlife protection requirements.
The "L" Trail and US West Road are open all year.
Rattlesnake Stories: A Guide to the Ice Age in the Rattlesnake Valley and Beyond
Join Kallie Moore, UM Paleontology Center Collections Manager on Sunday, November 17, 2-3:30 p.m. for Rattlesnake Stories. We'll meet at the Missoula Public Library, 4 th Floor, Cooper Room A.
Winter is coming...but not like it did during the Pleistocene Epoch. Join us as we travel back over 10 thousand years to meet the Ice Age animals that roamed Montana, including the Rattlesnake Valley, and to learn about the environment they lived in. The talk will give an overview of what an Ice Age is, describe some of the megafauna, and wrap up with how the ice formed our modern landscape and left glacial features all around us including on Mount Jumbo. -
To find the latest updates on bear activity in the Rattlesnake Watershed, and on Bear Smart work in the Missoula Valley, click below.
Who we are
Learn more about the mission, vision, and values of the Rattlesnake Creek Watershed Group.
Get Involved
Join our mailing list, volunteer, or make a donation to help protect Rattlesnake Creek for all the valley’s inhabitants, human and otherwise.

Donate to RCWG
RCWG is a community-based organization. We rely on support from individuals, groups, organizations, and businesses to carry out our mission: promoting the preservation of Rattlesnake Creek watershed through science, education, and stewardship.
Please donate today via PayPal, Venmo, credit card or a good old-fashioned check. All donations are tax deductible.